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Kemex Strapping Systems, a Canadian company, welcomes you to his website. Our company will meet all your needs and answer all your questions about strapping and packaging.

Kemex has been serving his customers since 1986. We offer a large range of complete accessory, tools, machines and automatic systems to meet your strapping and packaging needs.

Kemex, Strapping Systems is your complete single source supplier for all your packaging and unitizing needs. We are customer and market driven, focusing on timely, value-added packaging solutions to satisfy the current and future needs of our customers. Together with our highly skilled employees, modern manufacturing plants and our efficient customer service and sales force network, we are committed to providing our customers with innovative, high quality, cost effective packaging systems and solutions.

Kemex Strapping Systems manufactures and supplies a broad range of steel and plastic strapping, hand tools, edge protection, stretch film equipment and consumable, as well as standard and custom engineered unitizing equipment.

Our products and systems can be found in virtually every industry and are supported by a comprehensive sales, customer service and distribution network.


SINCE 1986
Kemex Strapping Systems 1850, Transcanadienne, ++++.Dorval (Québec) ++Tél: 514-685-1119 +++++.800-755-3639 +++ +. Fax: 514-685-2228